Empower Innovation With THE Innovation Mindset Canvas.
✨ Realizing Holistic & human-centered innovation PROJECTS ✨
Now more than ever, innovation is on the agenda of organizations around the globe – but few organizations really thrive in realizing their ambitions. The Innovation Mindset Canvas is an innovation management tool that puts humans center-stage!
Based on 5 years of doctoral research published with Springer, the canvas supports you in setting up transformative corporate innovation projects while getting your most crucial stakeholders on board.
Innovation Can Be REALLY Messy!
The Innovation Mindset Canvas helps you craft clarity in the early phases of corporate innovation efforts by taking a radically human-centered perspective. During my industry-based research, I realized that setting an ambitious innovation goal and envisioning a suitable innovation process is just half the story.
Empathizing the mindset of crucial stakeholders and being able to get them on board is equally important. Mindsets can be a severe barrier or a powerful enabler to your innovation efforts! Want to learn more?
What Are your Benefits?
⭐Structure and clarity ⭐
Expect to develop a detailed and concise understanding of innovation as a mindset, innovation as a process, and innovation as an outcome — a crucial foundation to innovation success stories.
🧠 skillset and mindset 🧠
Master innovation as a systematic learning process that turns insight into impact by applying a structured framework to develop new and creative ideas, as well as fostering an environment of collaboration and experimentation.
🤝🏼 mindful leadership 🤝🏼
Learn to leverage the diverse skills and perspectives of your team members! Create psychologically safe teams that thrive and soar to new creative heights with the right environment for innovation.
innovation mindset CANVAS OVERVIEW
Did You Get Curious?
🚀 A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE To Holistic Innovation Projects 🚀
What is it that will keep your organization or business unit competitive in the future? Will you need new products, services, experiences, or entirely new business models?
What are the tasks, milestones, and practices that get you closer to your desired outcome?
What needs to be done and when? Here we start to get more human-centered and anticipate engagement and support that facilitates your innovation efforts.
Who exactly will engage in your innovation efforts – actively or passively? Think about stakeholders that need to engage in your process or legitimize new ways of doing things!
As you can see, your innovation efforts are closely knit to the engagement and support of human beings. Are people willing and able to turn your efforts into a success story? What needs to be the new way of thinking, speaking, and feeling about innovation?
Whether your organization engages in innovation or not, the world keeps changing. What are trends in the external technology base, changes in consumer behavior, and your competitors’ strategies?
Chances are that the dominant mindset in your organization is not entirely in line with what you will need to be future-proof. What are prominent beliefs, biases, and statements that might become a problem for your efforts?
What is it that shaped your organization in the past and your dominant mindset of today? Identify fundamental decisions about technologies, strategies, and organizational structures that might have to be challenged.
How can you close the mindset gap and get crucial stakeholders on board by providing them with important information, managerial legitimation, and hands-on experiences?
If you can’t change your colleagues’ minds, maybe someone else can. Who might bring a fresh perspective to your organization? Celebrate diversity!
This can be of structural nature or describe a psychologically safe space. How can you ensure people that it is safe to think, act, and speak differently about innovation?
ARE YOU IN FOR Empowering human-Centered innovation Projects?
🤝🏼 Choose an option that works BEST for you AND SCHEDULE A FREE CALL🤝🏼
IGNITE innovation.
Innovation keynote
by Dr. Malte Krohn
Online or On-site
in English or german
Do you want to learn more about my approach to innovation management and ignite your team’s innovation mindset?
Let’s celebrate innovation in an interactive keynote and emphasize innovation as a mindset, a process, and an outcome!
EMPOWER innovation.
Innovation training
by Dr. Malte Krohn
Best On-site
in English or German
Are you ready to take action in an engaging 2-day training full of insights, creative exercises, and innovative ideas?
Let’s train your multi-disciplinary teams to thrive in innovation projects and get ready to transform your organization or business unit!
Innovation Consulting
by Dr. Malte Krohn
Online or on-Site
in English or German
Realizing innovation projects requires great ideas, ongoing effort, motivated teams, and a strong sparring partner.
Let’s turn innovation into reality by taking a hands-on approach, and realizing the ideas that will help your organization to thrive in a dynamic marketplace!
Malte is a Faculty Innovation Fellow at Stanford University, he holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Product Development and a Joint Master of Science in Global Innovation Management, and he received his Dr. rer. pol. in Innovation Management from Hamburg University of Technology. He knows how to turn ideas into reality and has access to a global community of fellow changemakers.
Malte is a founder himself, and he helped various startups and organizations – ranging from local Yoga studios to multinational technology firms – to realize their next idea. Also, he co-developed an international master’s program for innovation management and entrepreneurship (www.g-time.org). He teaches changemakers at various international universities.
Malte takes a human-first approach to innovation and entrepreneurship. Let’s venture with creative confidence, mindfulness, compassion, and commitment. In his work, he makes sure that human beings create sustainable solutions for fellow human beings. Mindfully taking your whole self on the venturing journey is his number one priority – you got this!